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Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions
ICC Service Location | Address: | Affiliated GLH: | Affiliated GMSA: | Lead Clinician | Services: | Adult Cardiology | Regional Service Hub | Email address: | Telephone number | Website | Paediatric Cardiology | Clinical Genetics | Genetic Counsellors | ICC Specialist Nurse | Pathology | Psychological Services | Adult Cardiology Email Address: | Adult Cardiology Telephone No: | Paediatric Cardiology Telephone No | Paediatric Cardiology Email Address | Clinical Genetics Email Address: | Clinical Genetics Telephone No: | Genetic Counsellors Email Address: | Genetic Counsellors Telephone No: | ICC Nurse Telephone No: | ICC Nurse Email |
Birmingham | Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB), Nuffield House, 3rd Floor Room 17/E, Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston , Birmingham, B15 2WB.
Dudley Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B18 7QH. | West Midlands Genetics Laboratory | Central & South | Shared role | Cardiomyopathies
Inherited Arrhythmias
Neuromuscular Conditions/Mitochondrial Disease
SADS Screening | Dr Manish Kalla (Electrophysiology)
Dr William Bradlow (Heart muscle)
Dr William Moody (Heart muscle)
Dr Paul Clift (Aortopathy)
Dr Bode Ensam | Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham | | 0121 3714448 | | Dr Vinay Bhole (Electrophysiology)
Dr Ashish Chikermane (Aortopathy & Heart Muscle)
Dr Tristan Ramcharan (Sport Cardiology and Heart Muscle) | Dr Helen Cox
Dr Suresh Somarathi
Dr Saba Sharif (Aortopathy)
Dr Deborah Osio (Aortopathy) | Ms Frances Lane
Mr David Walker | Ms Georgiana Neculau
Ms Reena Dini
Mrs Debrah Ntini | - | N/A | | 0121 371 4448 or 0121 371 4472 | 0121 3714544 - 0121 3717884 | | | 0121 335 8024 ext 5604 | | 0121 335 8024 | 0121 371 4775
079202 66957
07867 373578 | |
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