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Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions
ICC Service Location | Address: | Affiliated GLH: | Affiliated GMSA: | Lead Clinician | Services: | Adult Cardiology | Regional Service Hub | Email address: | Telephone number | Website | Paediatric Cardiology | Clinical Genetics | Genetic Counsellors | ICC Specialist Nurse | Pathology | Psychological Services | Adult Cardiology Email Address: | Adult Cardiology Telephone No: | Paediatric Cardiology Telephone No | Paediatric Cardiology Email Address | Clinical Genetics Email Address: | Clinical Genetics Telephone No: | Genetic Counsellors Email Address: | Genetic Counsellors Telephone No: | ICC Nurse Telephone No: | ICC Nurse Email |
Brighton | Inherited Cardiac Conditions Team, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5BE | South East | South East | Dr Tommy Alway | Cardiomyopathy, inherited arrhythmias, aortopathies, SADS screening | Dr Tommy Alway, Dr Emmanouil Androulakis, Dr Rachael James (aortopathy) | Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust | | 01273696955 | - | N/A | N/A | N/A | Rodrigo Leoconde (aortopathy) | - | N/A | | 01273696955 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
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