Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions
Fellowships and Research Opportunities
Fellowship opportunities:
BCS/HRUK Research Fellowship Scheme
The BCS has formed a new partnership with Heart Research UK to provide clinical fellowships, offering the potential for clinical top-up training and allowing candidates across the NHS workforce to gain new clinical skills or experience in a global centre of excellence.
The fellowships are open to trainee and consultant cardiologists, cardiology nurse specialists, cath-lab staff, physiologists, scientists and other AHP groups (all applicants must be fully paid-up ordinary members or joint members of the BCS). There will be three fellowship awards available under this scheme - links to the application forms are available here and the deadline for applications is 11.59pm on 1 November.
Fellowship One: An individual clinical placement for up to 3 months to a global centre of excellence for a senior trainee or consultant cardiologist. Maximum award £30,000.
Fellowship Two: Two awards; team placements for up to six members of each team (composition can be any NHS employees in the cardiovascular workforce) for one week to observe a specific pathway of care or specific procedure for which there are plans for adoption back in the UK host centre. Maximum award value per team £15,000.
Fellowship Three: An individual clinical placement for an AHP (eg nurse specialist, technologist, clinical scientist) for up to 1 month to a centre of excellence to learn new practical skills or pathways of care, for which there are plans for adoption back in the UK host centre. Maximum award £15,000.
British Society for Heart Failure Fellowships
There are 2 awards available in open competition: 1 Medical (for those with a medical degree or qualification) and 1 non-Medical, for any healthcare graduate (UK resident) with no limitation as to healthcare profession, although the applicant and their supervisor must be BSH members.
The award will cover the salary of a research fellow up to a maximum of £60,000 per annum for the medical award and £45,000 per annum for the non-medical award for two years full time (pro-rated for part time), awarded directly from BSH, to the recognised institute of higher education hosting the researcher. Associated administration costs will not be covered by the BSH. The proposed research programme should be related to heart failure broadly, with an emphasis on clinical relevance.
The programme will be judged by non-conflicted BSH Board members, is a highly valued and competitive award that aims to encourage and support early career research that will benefit the heart failure community on into the future. These awards are intended to support and inspire new talented researchers, dedicated to improving the lives of people with heart failure and further underpin our vision to make heart failure a national priority. Previous winners have not only gone on to achieve higher degrees, but subsequent awards, accolades, and further funding grants.
The application should describe a proposed research programme that will last two years and will lead to the potential award of a higher degree, usually either an MSc, MD or PhD. Applications should be accompanied by a current curriculum vitae plus a covering letter from supervisor and institution. Applications from BSH members only (applicant and supervisor).
The winners of the awards will be announced at the 25th BSH Annual Meeting at the QEII Conference Centre, Westminster, with a view to the winning entrant taking up their post in 2024.
Further information here. Please direct applications to administrator@bsh.org.uk.
Genomics England:
The ESC has a number of training opportunities for which you can apply here: https://www.escardio.org/Education/Career-Development/Grants-and-fellowships
Research Opportunities
Clinical Research Fellow opportunities crop up from time to time. We will post forthcoming opportunities when they arise!
This is a fixed term appointment up to 12 months. The duties of this post are equivalent to ST 7+/appropriate to an individual holding a Certificate of Completion of Training. The position would suit a senior trainee wishing to expand their experience in the field of device implantation, (Including complex devices, sub-cutaneous ICDs, leadless devices, conduction system pacing and lead extraction and gain further training in Inherited cardiac conditions.
Post on NHS Jobs until Mid November, to start January 2024
Contact nigel.lewis1@nhs.net if interested